Professional copywriting and subtitling

Our methodology and technology apply to meeting transcription and video subtitling, depending on your specific needs. You have two options:

Professional writer

Present on your premises or connected via video/audio conferencing, they will take notes to produce a high-quality transcription or rewriting ready for use.

  • Transcriptions
  • BCOComplete (18/22 pages per hour of audio)
  • BCOStandard report (10/12 pages per hour of audio)
  • BCOSummary (3/4 pages per hour of audio)

AI tools

Subtitle or transcribe your events in real-time or from a recording. They are in text format or can incorporate time codes. They can be re-read, corrected and translated into other languages. We can provide you with an A.I.-enhanced text or a perfect text validated by professional transcribers.

Our real-time transcription system is of unrivalled quality. Why is this? Because our A.I.s (artificial intelligence) are professional tools that deliver on the following points:

  • BCOProcessing speed with natural elocution
  • BCOAccuracy
  • BCOSpecialised glossaries of technical terms